

Deep Chand Bandhu Hospital - Delhi

Named after Late Mr Deep Chand Bandhu, Ex-MLA of Wazirpur Constituency, this hospital is located in North West Delhi. This is a multi-speciality hospital catering to patients of all medical and surgical specialties, AYUSH outpatient services, F-ART centre and DOTS centre with a special mention of the following services:

  • Inborn NICU services with ventilator support
  • Adolescent de-addiction services as per directions of H’nble High Court
  • Dialysis unit for out patients on PPP mode
  • Multi-specialty OT services
  • Special emergency and casualty ward with Triage service

General Information

Year established: 2013
Management: Government
Location: Kokiwala Bagh, Opp. Bharat Nagar Police Station, Ashok Vihar, Phase – IV, Delhi – 110052
Nearest station: Kanhaiya Nagar (Red Line)
Car Parking: NA
Number of beds: 200
Critical Care beds: 08
Operation Theatres: 4
Accreditations: NA
Visiting Hours: Daily: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM; Evening: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Contact details: 011-27305953, 27305952
WhatsApp Number: NA
Emergency Number (Ambulance): 011-27305950
Social media accounts: NA