

Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital - Delhi

Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital ( LBS Hospital) is located in Khichripur area of east Delhi and is run by the Government of NCT Delhi. There are seven central registration counters for routine OPD and one counter for staff, Senior Citizens & disabled patients. However, there is another counter which functions round the clock in the Emergency Block for registration of Admissions of Indoor Patients, which also serves as reception cum enquiry. The hospital treats patients over 20 specialities including cancer and leprosy. It also offers free diagnostics, X-rays, Ultrasound and ECG. The hospital also undertakes surgery and dispenses drugs free of cost.

General Information

Year established: 1991
Management: Government
Location: 384, Indra Camp, Khichripur, Near Kalyanvas Colony/Mayur Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi-110091
Nearest station: Mandawali – West Vinod Nagar (Magenta Line)
Car Parking: Hospital Parking (Free)
Number of beds: 160
Critical Care beds: 32
Operation Theatres: 5
Accreditations: NA
Visiting Hours: Summer: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Winter: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Contact details: 01122774145
Email ID:,
WhatsApp Number: NA
Emergency Number (Ambulance): 011 22731396
Social media accounts: NA