

Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre - Delhi

Indraprastha Cancer Society and Research Centre is a non-profit organization registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860. It has established the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre in Delhi, which is a not for profit organization devoted to patients from India and abroad. The centre is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and is staffed by renowned specialists.

With a total area of nearly 2 lakh square feet, including its unit in Niti Bagh South Delhi, RGCIRC is one of the largest tertiary cancer care centres in the continent. It has specialized wards for Leukemia and Thyroid, as well as a dedicated 22-bed Bone Marrow Transplant Unit that has pioneered various transplant techniques. 

The centre also provides supportive facilities such as Renal Replacement therapies and a range of endoscopies, including EBUS and Endoscopic Ultrasound. Additionally, RGCIRC Next Generation Sequencing Institute has established a Molecular Laboratory for gene profiling, a Biorepository for clinical and research purposes, and a dedicated Cath Lab for interventional radiology procedures for cancer patients, including portal venous embolization, carotid artery embolization, TACE, TARE, and more.

General Information

Year established: 1996
Management: Charitable/NGO
Location: Rohini: Sir Chotu Ram Marg, Sector – 5, Rohini Institutional Area, New Delhi, Delhi – 110085
Niti Bagh: Squadron Leader Mahender Kumar Jain Marg, Block K, Neeti Bagh, New Delhi, Delhi 110049
Nearest station: Indraprastha (Blue Line)
Car Parking: NMCD parking opposite hospital
Number of beds: 500
Critical Care beds: 40 with 7 isolation beds
Operation Theatres: 14
Accreditations: NABH (hospital); NABL (laboratory); Green OT; Certificate in Nursing Excellence
Visiting Hours: Daily 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Contact details: +91-11-47022222 (Rohini), +91-11-45822222 (Niti Bagh)
Whatsapp number: NA
Emergency Number (Ambulance): +91 11 27051037 (Rohini), +91-11-45822200 (Niti Bagh)
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