
Jaslok Hospital: Comprehensive Healthcare Services in Mumbai


Jaslok Hospital

In the late 60s, when the establishment of large private hospitals was not common, the institution was conceptualized & endowed to the city of Mumbai by Seth Lokoomal Chanrai. The hospital was inaugurated in. 1973. Jaslok Hospital is a private, full-fledged multi-speciality hospital with 348 beds of which 57 are ICU beds. The number of consultants stands at 270 currently with 190 fully trained resident doctors.

The hospital believes that emotional and spiritual well-being is an essential dimension of health and central to the healing process. A specialised Department of Spiritual Care offers spiritual care and emotional support to the patients, their families and friends. It offers holistic healthcare for the body, mind and soul with advantages of Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic and other alternative medical therapies under one roof.

General Information

Year established: 1973
Management: Private
Location: Peddar Road
Nearest station: Grant Road (Western Line)
Car Parking: Valet service
Number of beds: 350
Critical Care beds: 75
Operation Theatres:
Accreditation: NABH (hospital) ISO Certified
Visiting Hours:
Appointment number: 022 66573014 | 022 40173014
Emergency number: 2354 2354 
Social media handling:

Unique offerings

Jaslok Hospital

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022 66573014
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Education & Research

Specialty Clinics

Room Types

Economy & Day Care


Health Check-ups (*10% discount for senior citizens, husband and wife packages):

Routine: 1000/-

  • C.B.C.
  • ESR
  • URINE: Urine routine & Microscopic Examination
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Fasting
  • LIPID: Cholesterol
  • KIDNEY FUNCTIONS: Serum Creatinine
  • OTHERS: ABO Grouping & RH Typing
  • CONSULTATION: Physician

Diabetics Basic: 1500/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • URINE: Urine routine & Microscopic Examination
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Fasting, PP, HbA1C
  • LIPID: Lipid profile
  • KIDNEY FUNCTIONS: Serum Creatinine
  • ELECTROLYTES: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride
  • THYROID: T3, T4, TSH
  • LIVER FUNCTION: Liver function test
  • CARDIO: ECG, 2D Echo/TMT
  • IMAGING: X-Ray Chest
  • OTHERS: Uric Acid, Cortisol
  • USG: USG Abdomen & Pelvis
  • CONSULTATION: Endocrinologist/General Physician, Dietician

Kidney Health Check: 2500/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • URINE: Urine routine & microscopic examination
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Fasting, PP
  • KIDNEY FUNCTIONS: BUN, Serum Creatinine
  • ELECTROLYTES: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride
  • USG: Abdomen & Pelvis
  • OTHERS: Uric Acid, Serum Protein
  • CONSULTATION: Nephrologist

Liver Profile: 3000/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • URINE: Urine routine & microscopic examination
  • LIVER FUNCTION: Liver function test
  • USG: Abdomen & Pelvis
  • OTHERS: HBs antigen
  • CONSULTATION: Gastroenterologist

Package B Male: 6500/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • URINE: Urine routine & microscopic examination
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Fasting, PP
  • LIPID: Lipid Profile
  • LIVER PROFILE: Total bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, Gamma GT, Albumin, Total Protein, Alkaline Phosphatase
  • RENAL PROFILE: Urea Nitrogen, Serum Creatinine, Uric acid, Calcium, Phosphorous
  • ELECTROLYTES: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride
  • IMAGING: X-ray Chest
  • CARDIO: ECG, 2D Echo/TMT
  • USG: Abdomen & Pelvis
  • OTHERS: Stool routine with Occult Blood, PFT (Pulmonary Function Test)
  • CONSULTATION: Physician, Surgeon

Bone Health: 2000/-

  • CBC: ESR
  • URINE: Urine routine & microscopic examination
  • ELECTROLYTES:Calcium, Phosphorous
  • LIVER FUNCTION: Alkaline, Phosphatase
  • IMAGING: X-ray of relevant Bone/Joint
  • OTHERS: Vitamin D, Parathyroid Hormone, Uric Acid
  • CONSULTATION: Orthopaedic Surgeon, Physiotherapist

Annual Health: 9500/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • URINE:  Urine routine & Microscopic Examination
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Fasting
  • PP LIPID: Lipid profile
  • KIDNEY FUNCTIONS: Serum Creatinine,
  • THYROID: T3 T4 TSH (Thyroid Panel1)
    Gamma GT,
    Total Bilirubin
    2D Echo/TMT
  • IMAGING: X-Ray Chest
    Mammography (for women age 45+)
  • OTHERS: ABO Grouping & RH Typing, Uric Acid, 25 OH VIT D,
    Vitamin B12, Stool routine with Occult Blood, Pap smear (in indicated women & age groups), PSA (In men – 50 years of age), HBs Antigen, PFT
  • USG: USG Abdomen & Pelvis
  • CONSULTATION: Physician/Surgeon/Gynaecologist

Diabetics Advanced: 4000/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • URINE: Urine routine & Microscopic
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Fasting, PP, HbA1C
  • LIPID: Lipid profile
  • KIDNEY FUNCTIONS: Serum Creatinine, BUN
  • ELECTROLYTES: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride
  • CARDIO: ECG, 2D Echo
  • OTHERS: HOMA-IR Examination with microalbuminuria
  • USG: USG Abdomen & Pelvis
  • CONSULTATION: Cardiologist, Endocrinologist, Ophthalmology, Dietician, Diabetic educator

Cancer Screening Female: 6500/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • URINE: Routine with Occult Blood
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Fasting
  • LIPID: Lipid Profile
  • KIDNEY FUNCTIONS: BUN, Serum Creatinine
  • LIVER FUNCTION: Liver function test
  • IMAGING: X-ray Chest, Mammography
  • OTHERS: CEA, CA125, PAP Smear (In indicated women & age groups), Stool routine with Occult Blood
  • CONSULTATIONS: Physician, ENT, Gynaecologist, Dentist

Lung Health: 1500/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • IMAGING: X-ray Chest
  • OTHERS: PFT (Pulmonary Function Test)
  • CONSULTATIONS: Pulmonologist

Package B Female: 7500/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • URINE: Urine routine & microscopic examination
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Fasting, PP
  • LIPID: Lipid Profile
  • LIVER PROFILE: Total bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, Gamma GT, Albumin, Total Protein, Alkaline Phosphatase
  • RENAL PROFILE: Urea Nitrogen, Serum Creatinine, Uric acid, Calcium, Phosphorous
  • ELECTROLYTES: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride
  • IMAGING: X-ray Chest, Mammography
  • CARDIO: ECG, 2D Echo/TMT
  • USG: Abdomen & Pelvis
  • OTHERS: Stool routine with Occult Blood, PFT (Pulmonary Function Test), Pap smear (indicated women & age group)
  • CONSULTATION: Physician, Surgeon, Gynaecologist

Women's Package: 5500/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • URINE: Urine routine & Microscopic Examination
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Fasting, PP, HbA1C,
  • LIPID: Lipid profile
  • KIDNEY FUNCTIONS:Serum Creatinine
  • ELECTROLYTES:Sodium, Potassium
    Chloride, THYROID
    T3 T4 TSH, 
  • LIVER FUNCTION:Liver function test
    2D Echo/TMT
  • IMAGING: X-Ray Chest
  • OTHERS:Uric Acid, Cortisol
  • USG: USG Abdomen & Pelvis
  • CONSULTATION: Endocrinologist/General, Physician, Dietician

Healthy Heart: 5500/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • URINE: Urine routine & microscopic examination
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Blood sugar fasting
  • LIPID: Lipid profile
  • KIDNEY FUNCTIONS: BUN, Serum Creatinine
  • CARDIO: ECG, 2D Echo/TMT
  • IMAGING: X-Ray Chest
  • OTHERS: HsCRP, Homocysteine
  • CONSULTATION: Cardiologist

Cancer Screening Male: 4500/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • URINE: Routine with Occult Blood
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Fasting
  • LIPID: Lipid Profile
  • KIDNEY FUNCTIONS: BUN, Serum Creatinine
  • LIVER FUNCTION: Liver function test
  • USG: Abdomen & Pelvis
  • IMAGING: X-ray Chest
  • OTHERS: CEA, PSA (Men> 50 years of age), Stool routine with Occult Blood
  • CONSULTATIONS: Physician, ENT, Surgeon, Dentist

Package A: 5000/-

  • CBC
  • ESR
  • URINE: Urine routine & microscopic examination
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Fasting, PP
  • LIPID: Lipid Profile
  • LIVER PROFILE: Total Bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, Gamma GT, Albumin, Total Protein, Alkaline phosphatase
  • RENAL PROFILE: Urea nitrogen, Serum creatinine, Uric acid, Calcium, Phosphorous
  • ELECTROLYTES: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride
  • IMAGING: X-ray chest
  • OTHERS: Stool routine with Occult blood, PFT (Pulmonary Function Test), Pap smear (in indicated women & age groups)

Obesity Package: 5500/-

  • CBC: ESR,
  • URINE: Urine routine & Microscopic Examination
  • BLOOD SUGAR: Fasting, PP, HbA1C
  • LIPID: Lipid profile
  • KIDNEY FUNCTIONS: Serum Creatinine
  • ELECTROLYTES: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride
  • THYROID: T3, T4, TSH
  • LIVER FUNCTION: Liver function test
  • CARDIO: ECG, 2D Echo/TMT
  • IMAGING: X-Ray Chest
  • OTHERS: Uric Acid, Cortisol, USG: USG Abdomen & Pelvis
  • CONSULTATION: Endocrinologist/General Physician, Dietician




Specialised Tests

  • CDC (Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity Crossmatch)
  • Panel Reactive Antibody Testing (PRA)
  • Donor-Specific Antibody Testing (DSA)
  • Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) typing (performed on the Luminex instrument)
  • Cadaver Crossmatches
  • Tissue Crossmatching
  • HLA Typing for Bone Marrow Transplants
  • ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test
  • ASMA (Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody) Test
  • LKM-1 (Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1 Antibody) Test
  • NMO-MOG (Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder – Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody) Test
  • Autoimmune Encephalitis Testing
  • ENA (Extractable Nuclear Antigen) Panel

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