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A surgeons is a doctor who specializes in performing surgical procedures to treat various medical conditions, injuries, or diseases. They are highly trained professionals who possess extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and medical techniques. Surgeons may specialize in specific areas of the body (e.g., neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, cardiovascular surgery) or specific types of surgery (e.g., cosmetic surgery, reconstructive surgery, laparoscopic surgery).  Surgeons complete the following tasks:

  • Diagnosing medical conditions: Surgeons work closely with patients to diagnose their medical conditions through physical examinations, medical history assessments, diagnostic tests, and imaging studies.
  • Surgical planning: Surgeons develop treatment plans tailored to individual patients based on their diagnoses, medical history, and specific needs
  • Performing surgeries: Surgeons perform surgical procedures using various techniques and tools to address a wide range of medical and surgical issues.
  • Collaborating with medical teams: Surgeons often work as part of interdisciplinary medical teams, collaborating with other healthcare professionals such as anesthesiologist, nurses, and surgical assistants to provide comprehensive care to patients before, during, and after surgery
  • Postoperative care: Surgeons monitor patients’ progress after surgery, manage any postoperative complications, and provide follow-up care to ensure patients recover effectively.

GENERAL SURGEons in mumbai

Dr Mizelle D’Silva

affiliated with

Dr Natasha Vaz

affiliated with

Dr Hirav Parikh

affiliated with

Dr Mohan Koppikar

affiliated with

Dr Sunil R Vaze

affiliated with

Dr Ashwini Wagh

affiliated with

Dr Dharmashri B Kadam

affiliated with

Dr Dilip Trivedi

affiliated with

Dr Rashmi Mehta

affiliated with

Dr Hemant Pikale

affiliated with

Dr Manoj Gandhi

affiliated with

Dr Manoj A Bharucha

Dr Naveen Bhatia

Dr Prajesh Bhuta

Dr Rakesh Rai

Dr Ramen Goel

Dr Russell Pinto

DR Sabh Singh Khambay

Dr Sanjay Borude

Dr Sharad N Shenoy

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